The Anime library was recorded and produced by Jason Strawley and Andrew Garraway using Eurorack modular synthesizers and a Moog Matriarch. Created after months of research, trial and error, and honing in on the iconic vintage “anime sound,” this library packs a punch with warm analog zaps, extreme explosions, whooshes, shockwaves, weaponry, movement sounds and more. A select number of sounds are also provided with alternate versions processed using tape for a slightly crunchier and warmer effect. Add that familiar high-voltage, gritty distortion to your video games, movies, TV shows, animations, videos and beyond.
- 适用系统:Windows 和 Mac 系统
- 素材格式:.wav
- 码率: 24bit/96KHZ
- 声道数:立体声
- 音效数量:657个WAV文件
- 文件大小:3.9G
- 音效适用于任何音/视频后期编辑软件,直接导入即可使用
城通网盘 访问密码:6688 百度网盘 提取码:hqsc 阿里云盘