这个Corona Renderer超写实照片级渲染器是由peregrinelabs机构出品,Corona renderer是一款基于超写实照片效果的CPU渲染器,它可以通过插件的形式完整地集成在Cinema 4D中,从2009年开始由Ondra Karlík 开发。它可以渲染出高质量的结果,已经有很多人开始将它使用在工作当中,相比之前无论从速度和质量都有很大的提升!
Corona does really delivers high quality renders in acceptable time thanks to its unbiased ray tracing capabilities, and at the same time its presented in a simple to use user interface which is well integrated into Cinema 4d, the material editor is somewhat similar to the Cinema 4D one and provides you with the needed layers to create your materials with a very fast material preview sphere/shapes.
支持Win版: Cinema 4D R14/R15/R16/R17/R18/R19/R20/R21
C4D插件-现代高级高性能实时交互渲染器 Corona Renderer 4 for Cinema 4D Win版