动态地形插件是 Blender 的一款颠覆性扩展,旨在简化和加快软件内地形创建和景观美化的过程。这款创新工具在设计时充分考虑了效率,旨在简化与传统方法相关的复杂设置活动。通过最大限度地减少对地理节点、节点着色器和复杂节点组的广泛探索,动态地形插件可确保为艺术家和创作者提供快速且用户友好的体验。
The Dynamic Terrain Add-On is a game-changing extension for Blender, designed to streamline and expedite the process of terrain creation and landscaping within the software. This innovative tool is crafted with efficiency in mind, aiming to simplify the intricate setup activities associated with traditional methods. By minimizing the need for extensive exploration of geoNodes, Node shaders, and complex Node groups, the Dynamic Terrain Add-On ensures a swift and user-friendly experience for artists and creators.
支持软件版本 Blender 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
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