FXHOME 公司出品的一款产品:HitFilm 插件,能够在AE和PR中直接使用HitFilm效果。
适用于 Win 系统:
After Effects CS6 -CC 2018
Premiere Pro CS6 -CC 2018
Ps:想起以前在接触AE的时候,有一款强大的枪火插件 Fxhome MuzzlePlug(32位),后来却找不到64位版本了,其实这款插件从未离开过大家,已经集合在这套FXhome HitFilm Ignite插件套装里了,在 HitFilm – Particles & Simulation 列表中 Gunfire 插件即是以前我们熟知的枪火插件。
•HitFilm共集成158多款插件(其中154款支持AE, 143款支持PR)
Effects & compositing(效果与合成)
The 130 HitFilm Plugins have been selected to provide power, flexibility and value. Explore 3D muzzle flashes, distortion and warp effects, 3D extrusion, rolling shutter correction, temporal manipulation and much more.
Organic particle arrays(有机粒子阵列)
Create complex systems of thousands of particles with extensive fractal shape and dispersion controls.
Keying & matte generation(键控抠像&蒙版生成)
Composite layers using professional chroma key, integrated spill suppression, procedural light wrap, matte clean-up, channel controls and fine color correction.
Lights & flares(灯光&耀斑效果)
Design beautiful lens flares and add procedural lens dirt, anamorphic streaks, volumetric light rays and high detail glows. Fully customizable and can be used individually or in combination.
Ae/Pr特效合成套装插件FXhome Ignite Pro 3.0.8001.10801 CE
(插件由Team VR团队注册,一键安装即可使用)
360° video
- 360° Text
- 360° Video Transform
- 360° Video Viewer
- Bilateral Blur
- Diffuse
- Lens Blur
- Motion Blur
- Radial Blur
- Zoom Blur
- Channel Blur
- Channel Mixer
- Channel Swapper
- Channel Time Shift
Color correction
- Auto Color
- Auto Contrast
- Auto Levels
- Color Temperature
- Crush Blacks & Whites
- Custom Gray
- Hotspots
- Pro Skin Retouch
- White Balance
Color grading
- Bleach Bypass
- Cine Style
- Color Vibrance
- Day for Night
- Duo Tone
- Grading Transfer
- Hue Colorize
- Hue Shift
- Shadows & Highlights
- Three Strip Color
- Two Strip Color
- Vibrance
- Vignette
- Vignette Exposure
- Cartoon
- Emboss
- Find Edges
- Glow Darks
- Leave Color
- Posterize
- Solarize
- Threshold
- Tint
- Echo
- Motion Trails
- Speed
- Time Displacement
- Time Reverse
- Bulge
- Chromenator
- Derez
- Displacement
- Energy Distortion
- Fluid Distortion
- Heat Distortion
- Insect Vision
- Magnify
- Mosaic
- Smoke Distortion
- Twirl
- Waves
- Witness Protection
- 3D Extrusion
- Animated Lasers
- Audio Spectrum
- Audio Waveform
- Auto Volumetrics
- Caustics
- Clouds
- Dimension Rift
- Drop Shadow
- End Credits Crawl
- Fractal Noise
- Grid
- Heat Distortion
- Hyperdrive
- Letterbox
- Lightsword (Glow)
- Lightsword (2-point Auto)
- Lightsword (4-point Manual)
- Lightsword Ultra (Glow)
- Lightsword Ultra (2-Point Auto)
- Lightsword Ultra (4-Point Manual)
- Neon Path (Path)
- Pond Ripple
- Pulp Sci-fi Title Crawl
- Radio Waves
- Reflection
- Sphere
- Split Screen Masking
- Tile
- Timecode
- Film Damage
- Film Grain
- Flicker
- Grain
- Half Tone
- Half Tone Color
- Jitter
- Lens Dirt
- Noise
- Scan Lines
- Shake
- Stutter
- TV Damage
- Parallax
- Projector
Gradients & fills
- 4-point Color Gradient
- Color Gradient
- Radial Gradient
- Chroma Key
- Chroma UV Blur
- Color Difference Key
- Demult
- Difference Key
- Hue & RGB Key
- Luminance Key
Lights & flares
- Auto Light Flares
- Anamorphic Lens Flares
- Gleam
- Glow
- Light Flares
- Light Leak
- Light Rays
- Light Streaks
- Neon Glow
Matte enhancement
- Alpha Brightness & Contrast
- Crush Blacks & Whites Alpha
- Erode White
- Invert Alpha
- Light Wrap
- Matte Cleaner
- Remove Color Matting
- Set Matte
- Spill Removal
Particles & simulation
- Atomic Particles
- Blood Spray
- Fire
- Gunfire
- Lightning & Electricity
- Rain on Glass
- Shatter
Video clean-up
- Clone Stamp
- Denoise
- Grain Removal
- Rolling Shutter
- Action Cam Crop
- Action Cam Lens Distort
- Bezier Warp
- Lens Distort
- Perspective Warp
- Polar Warp
- Quad Warp
- Spherical Warp
- Vortex Displacement Warp