GEOlayers allows you to connect directly to any common http-tileserver import geojson vectordata and much more.
High resolution satellite-maps, huge zooms from worldview to an address in your neighborhood, find POIs, Markers and Overlays, glue geotiffs to your map, import geojsons, draw country-borders, create political maps… no problem with GEOlayers.
适用于Win/Mac系统下:AE CS4/CS5/CS6/CC/CC2014/CC2015
脚本安装:拷贝.jsxbin脚本文件到AE安装目录下:Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Pane
AE脚本:世界地图任意位置展示动画 Aescripts GEOlayers V1.081 + 使用教程