Hollywood Edge 公司介绍:
Hollywood Edge 一直致力于提供高端,专业,和免费的特殊音效和音乐的媒体公司。
The Hollywood Edge prides itself on providing high end, professional, and royalty free special effects and music for all media use. We are relentlessly pursuing the acquisition and recording of high fidelity one-of-a-kind effects. Prepare for the future of The Hollywood Edge as we provide sound effects as they have never been sold before.
这里是他们公司出品的5CD合集的音乐特效音 – Hollywood Edge Hi Tech & Top Secret Sound FX (5CDs) ,里面包括了很多类型的特效音:风,齿轮,激流,爆炸,鸣叫,电流,机器声,科技感,闹铃,干扰,飞行,嘣,咚,呛,哄,呲,等等一系列的特效音/模拟声和转场音。
The Hollywood Edge team of investigators is at it again!
Top Secret missions were planned to “closed to the public” research laboratories to capture the most unique laboratory sounds for the very first time. The results: entirely new sounding machines, rumbles, room tones and start-ups recorded from classified and restricted experiments.
The Edge team also invaded a Foley stage so that the second half of their mission could be completed – collecting hi-tech sounds. Every little servo and small gear-head motor sound was recorded to get a multitude of different sounds at work. Top sound designers were then consulted and happily agreed to contribute space and science effects, and various medical research machine sounds recorded both externally and internally.
To close the investigation, the Edge team uncovered a special bonus disc from Scott Sanders. A telemetry disc of interesting radio short wave sounds and statics derived from microwave, VHF, UHF and low-band that all contribute to the radio spectrum.
After all data had been investigated, reviewed and recorded, The Edge team released the Hi Tech and Top Secret Sounds set available for you to purchase at The Hollywood Edge. Case-closed.
Home: http://www.hollywoodedge.com/hi-tech-and-top-secret-effects-download.html
好莱坞特效音效全集 Hollywood Edge Hi Tech & Top Secret Sound FX (5CDs)
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