在手动模式下在自然光下在户外拍摄时通常会发生视频录制中曝光和白平衡的波动,这确实会破坏镜头,并且很难在后期制作中修复。此扩展程序可以分析剪辑并在 Lumetri 效果中自动设置适当的曝光、温度和色调关键帧,以补偿这些环境光变化。
Fluctuations of exposure and white balance in a video recording which can commonly occur when shooting outdoors with natural lighting in manual mode can really ruin a shot and are hard to fix in post production. This extension can analyze a clip and automatically set proper keyframes of exposure, temperature and tint in the Lumetri Effect to compensate for those ambient light changes.
支持Win/Mac系统:Premiere 2021, 2020
城通网盘 访问密码:6688 百度网盘 提取码:zehy 阿里云盘