插件通过使用灰度源图像映射渐变来创建多种颜色之间的渐变混合。通过使用灰度源作为映射渐变的基础,在多种颜色之间创建渐变混合。5个通道中的任何一个都可用于映射 – 红色、绿色、蓝色、Alpha 或亮度。借助附加选项,效果可用于色彩校正、创意甚至哑光工具。通过使用附加设置,您最多可以使用 6 种不同的插值模式。
bfx : Map Ramp creates a gradual blend between multiple colors by using a gray-scale source as a base to map gradient. Any of 5 channels can be used for mapping – Red, Green, Blue, Alpha or Lightness.Effect can be used for color correction, creativity and even matte tool with the help of additional options. You can use up to 6 different interpolation modes by using additional settings.
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