使用标记快速预览关键帧,而不浪费时间轴上的空间!不再尝试同时查看多个关键帧图层。使用 MarKey 非常简单 – 只需选择所需的图层,单击按钮,然后观看所有关键帧快速转换为标记!真的就是这么简单!每个标记都有一个简短的名称,该名称源自关键帧属性名称。
Quickly preview your keyframes using markers without wasting space on the timeline!No more trying to view many keyframed layers at once. Using MarKey is incredibly easy – just select the layers you want, click a button, and watch as all keyframes are rapidly converted to markers! It’s really that simple! Each marker will have a brief name, derived from the keyframed property name.
- 修复通过 KBar 启动时出现的错误
- 修复启动时为空的错误
- 将许可证框架更新至 v4.3.2
支持Win/Mac系统:AE 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
城通网盘 访问密码:6688 百度网盘 提取码: 36e8 阿里云盘