二维动画卡通光效路径拖尾Blender插件 Mesh Trails V1.3.3 + 预设包

二维动画卡通光效路径拖尾Blender插件 Mesh Trails V1.3.3 + 预设包

您是否曾经想为动画添加 VFX 轨迹,但一直没有时间或精力手动制作动画? 您是否曾经尝试过使用粒子制作轨迹,但始终无法获得您想要的外观? Mesh Trails 附加组件是一种工具,可帮助您通过单击按钮自动生成干净、完全可定制、基于网格的轨迹。 Mesh Trails 已经开发了两年多,重点是将其与工作室流程集成以实现风格化(或非风格化)VFX,但几乎可以应用于任何需要轨迹的项目。 它无缝集成到 Blender 中,并且设计得非常容易上手。 但除了其基本用例之外,由于它与 Blender 已经令人印象深刻的着色器、修改器和几何节点系统的兼容性,还有无限的可能性,具体取决于您的专业水平。 我们想要一个适合我们动画风格的自动轨迹生成器,但找不到。 所以我们做了一个。 现在它也属于你了。


Have you ever wanted to add VFX trails to your animation, but never had the time or energy to manually animate it? Have you ever tried making trails with particles but could never get the look you want? The Mesh Trails add-on is a tool that helps you automatically generate clean, fully customizable, mesh-based trails with the click of a button. Mesh Trails has been in development for over two years, with a large focus on integrating it with studio pipelines for stylized (or non-stylized) VFX, but can be applied to almost any project with a need for trails. It is seamlessly integrated into Blender and is designed to be very easy to jump into. But beyond its base use case, there are endless possibilities thanks to its compatibility with Blender’s already impressive shader, modifier, and geometry node systems depending on your level of expertise. We wanted an automated trail generator that could fit our style of animation, but we couldn’t find one. So we made one. And now it’s yours, as well.

支持 Blender 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4



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