达芬奇/Vegas 视觉特效BCC插件包 10.0.2 for DaVinci Resolve and Sony Vegas

达芬奇/Vegas 视觉特效BCC插件包 10.0.2 for DaVinci Resolve and Sony Vegas


强大的 BCC(Boris Continuum Complete )视觉特效插件包

插件终于推出新版本 Boris Continuum Complete 10 for DaVinci Resolve and Sony Vegas – Win64 V10.0.2

Boris Continuum Complete 为视频图像合成、处理 、键控、着色、变形等提供全面的解决方案,支持Open GL 和双 CPU加速,

BCC 10 拥有超过百种特效效果:字幕(3D字幕),3D粒子,老电影,光线,画中画,镜头光晕,烟雾,火等等,还有调色,键控/抠像,遮罩,跟踪,发光等等一系列风格化工具。

BCC 10 包括多种视频特效和多种视频转场,


Boris Continuum Complete 10 (简称BCC)是一套全面的视觉效果插件集合,包括超过200个插件,覆盖多种种视觉效果和调色,

BCC10 新增加了13个新的插件(8个特效和5个转场切换)加上集成Mocha 5平面跟踪和支持重新设计的 Pixel Chooser工程


支持 Windows系统:

Resolve 12 或更高版本   达芬奇调色软件

Sony Vegas Pro 11 – 13


Boris Continuum Complete 10 新功能:


BCC Remover 填补缺失的像素,自动填充选取对象.

BCC Dropout Fixer 恢复基于磁带的损坏画面

BCC Reframe  分辨率转换工具



BCC Light Leaks 炫光光晕效果.

BCC Video Glitch  信号干扰画面损坏特效

BCC Beauty Studio   美肤美容插件

BCC Dropout Fixer   特殊效果插件

BCC Fast Lens Blur    快速模糊插件

BCC Reframer   变速插件

BCC Remover   特殊效果插件

BCC Title Studio    文字标题效果插件



BCC Lens Blur Dissolve   镜头模糊转场

BCC Cross Glitch   信号干扰画面损坏转场

BCC Cross Melt      特殊视觉转场

BCC Lights Leak Dissolve     炫光光晕曝光转场

BCC Cross Zoom  缩放转场



达芬奇/Vegas 视觉特效BCC插件包 Boris Continuum Complete 10.0.2



Win 版:Ae/Pr 视觉特效插件包 Boris Continuum Complete AE v10.0.1 BCC

AVID 视觉特效插件包 Boris Continuum Complete AVX v10 BCC



Welcome to Boris Continuum Complete 10, the world’s most comprehensive visual effects plug-in collection. BCC 10 includes over 200 plug-ins spanning seventeen visual effects categories and covering the full gamut of visual effect solutions. BCC10 adds 13 new plug-ins (8 effects and 5 transitions) plus support for integrated mocha planar mask tracking and a re-engineered PixelChooser.
Working in DaVinci Resolve
Supported Effects:

BCC supports DaVinci Resolve through the OFX plugin API. Due to certain limitations in the current DaVinci Resolve implementation of that plugin API, not all BCC filters will appear as options within the Resolve UI.

As of the initial release of Resolve 11 it is not currently possible for an OFX plugin to access the source layer at points in time that are more than roughly 5 frames from the current frame. Many BCC plugins access neighboring frames and may use restricted frame ranges when running in Resolve. Other BCC plugins such as Optical Stabilizer or Optical Flow fundamentally require access to frames at very widely spaced points in time and thus are not currently supported in Resolve. For similar reasons the familiar BCC Motion Tracker cannot be used for new motion tracking analysis runs in Resolve, however, it is still possible to import tracker data calculated in other environments such as Mocha or BCC tracker exports from other hosts.

Working in Sony Vegas
Using BCC Effects as “2 to 1 Transforms” (also known as “Custom Compositing Modes”):

In Vegas Pro for an effect to be able to access an alternate video layer (a layer other than the layer the effect is applied to) for processing it needs to be applied on a per track basis as a “2 to 1 Transform” or “Custom Compositing Mode”. Some filters such as BCC Light Wrap are only available as 2 to 1 Transforms since they fundamentally rely on being able to access a second layer which in Vegas is only possible for 2 to 1 Transforms. Other BCC filters such as Chroma Key Studio will be available as both normal effects and as 2 to 1 Transforms, although some features which require access to secondary layers will not be fully functional in the normal effect versions. To apply a custom Composite Mode choose the Compositing Mode icon for the track and then select the Custom option which brings up a list of available 2 to 1 Transform filters (see the screenshot below). Note that Compositing Mode choices in Sony Vegas are applied to the entire track.
(1) Remove old versions of BCC
(2) Install BCC10.0.0 with the trial code supplied
(3) Replace the OFX file at C:\Program Files\Common Files\OFX\Plugins\BCC_OFX_3DObjects.ofx.bundle\Con tents\Win64 with the cracked one
(4) Replace the two DLLs at C:\Program Files\Boris FX, Inc\Lib\BCC OFX 10 with the cracked ones.


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