[官方介绍]In this episode of Red Giant TV, Independent Filmmaker Tom Durham takes us behind the scenes of his VFX-filled film, 95ers: Echoes. He’ll share advice on filmmaking and show you how he created some of the cool visual effects seen in the film.
教程中主要是分享影片《95ers: Echoes》中一些炫丽的视觉效果是如何创造出来的,
RedGiantTV第94期教程:《95ers: Echoes》电影幕后
RGTV第93期AE教程:Particular 子弹火花_Bullet Sparks
RedGiantTV第92期教程:调色插件Looks在动画中的运用_Mograph Looks
RedGiantTV第91期AE教程:牛的抠像和合成.Tempo Fresh Meat
RedGiantTV第90期AE教程:飞舞的蜜蜂.The Bees Knees
RedGiantTV第89期AE教程:燃烧的火焰 Tempo_Fire
RedGiantTV第88期教程:电影幕后_Behind the scenes of film
RedGiantTV第86.87期AE教程:影片《Order Up》特效制作
RedGiantTV第85期AE教程:超人起飞 Single_Bound
RedGiantTV第84期AE教程:TrapCode Mir 振幅映射