AEscripts Joystick‘n Sliders 脚本是一个基于After Effects软件pose-based的绑定系统,
Joystick controllers are commonly used in 3D character rigging for facial animation. With this tool, you simply set five consecutive keyframes to represent your origin, right, left, top, and bottom extremes. With those layers selected, you can instantly create a joystick controller on the stage that will interpolate between those extremes appropriately.
更新内容 1.5 (Current version) – Mar 13, 2017
– Control your joystick interpolations with EaseBias
– Speed up your path shape rigging with the Path Flipper.
– Move your controllers back to their child comps with Move to Child
– Export your animation to html5 with BodyMovin’
适用于Win/Mac系统下:AE CS 6 – CC 2017
脚本安装:拷贝.jsxbin脚本文件到AE安装目录下:Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Pane
脚本使用:在AE软件中点击 Window(窗口菜单)即可找到脚本。
AE脚本:二维卡通人物角色动作MG动画绑定控制AEscripts Joystick’n Sliders v1.5+使用教程