借助这个插件可以在Premiere时间轴中快速导出静帧图片, 支持 jpg, png, tiff 和 dpx 等图片格式导出。还能够序列化的给文件重命名。
Video editors create more than just video: in this multimedia and social media age, clients often need to have a set of still images exported from their video. Still Exporter simplifies this process by allowing the user to set markers, choose a file format and let Still Exporter take care of the rest.
支持Win/Mac系统:PR 2021、2020,CC 2019,CC 2018,CC 2017,CC 2015.3,CC 2015
PR扩展-静帧图片快速导出插件 Still Exporter 1.1.001 For Premiere Pro