无论是消除相机晃动还是跟踪相机的运动,After Effects都可以满足您的要求。您可以使用After Effects变形稳定器VFX效果应用各种技术来平滑镜头中的相机运动,并跟踪相机以逼真的方式将对象添加到场景中。Rich Harrington向您展示了After Effects Guru的这一部分。
Whether it’s removing camera shake or tracking a camera’s movement, After Effects has you covered. You can apply a variety of techniques to smooth out the camera movement in a shot, using the After Effects Warp Stabilizer VFX effect, and track the camera to add objects into a scene realistically. Rich Harrington shows you how in this installment of After Effects Guru.
- 分析素材
- 使用3D相机追踪器稳定素材
- 选择和移动目标
- 向场景添加3D文本
- 追踪物体
- 应用翘曲稳定器VFX
- 选择稳定方法
- 减少卷帘快门失真
- 配套运动
AE教程-摄像机跟踪稳定防抖场景合成学习 Tracking Cameras and Stabilizing Footage