This complete course will take you through the steps to “Understand Color” . From Color correction to Color grading.We will work together to take you through each of the panels and have “follow along” premiere projects so that you can maximize your learning experience as you learn.
- 相机中的白平衡是什么
- 什么是开尔文范围
- 如何对图像进行色彩校正以及所涉及的步骤。
- 每个Lumetri工具的功能
- 了解测量工具,例如波形,RGB游行和矢量示波器
- 对不良照片进行色彩校正
- 如何为Flat或Slog素材上色
- 创建蒙版以对特定区域进行颜色校正
- 匹配不同镜头的颜色
PR教程-视频调色学习色彩校正和色彩分级理论 Understanding Color in Premiere Pro