Round mask/shape layer corners with a click! Vertex Tool applies rounding algorithms to a shape by placing two (in some cases more) new vertices in place of original one at selected corner, based on a specified line length. There are 12 corner rounding algorithms to choose from.
适用于Win/Mac系统下:AE CS4/CS5/CS6/CC/CC2014/CC2015
脚本安装:拷贝.jsxbin脚本文件到AE安装目录下:Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Pane
脚本使用:在AE软件中点击 Window(窗口菜单)即可找到脚本
AE脚本:MASK形状遮罩图层路径倒角预设脚本 AEscripts Vertex Tool v1.0.1
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