Volna 是高级笔画插件,它使用蒙版来绘制笔画。插件可以使用一两个蒙版并将它们混合成具有多个笔触的新形状。每个笔画都可以用渐变填充,用柏林噪声或正弦函数扭曲。笔划粗细可以通过坡度控制进行调整。笔画可以是线或点。笔画末端可以有一个参数化的箭头。许多随机控件有助于为您的设计添加独特的外观。
Volna is advanced Strokes Plugin, it uses masks to draw a strokes. Plugin can take one or two masks and blend them into a new shape with multiple strokes. Each stroke can be filled with Gradient, distorted with Perlin Noise or Sine function. Strokes thickness can be adjusted with Ramp control. Strokes can be Lines or Points. Strokes ends can have a parametric Arrows. A lot of randomize controls helps add unique look for you desing.
支持Mac统:AE 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014
插件: 城通网盘 访问密码:6688 百度网盘 提取码: 8kfg 阿里云盘
教程: 城通网盘 访问密码:6688 百度网盘 提取码:x0o1 阿里云盘
Win版-动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画AE插件 Volna V2.4.8